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Saturday, 24 April 2010


"Aralia" the very good looking and ever green plant. Every one in the gardening field, knows about aralia species, and they loves it.

In the month of March-2010, i was in a nursery, When i saw a aralia plant that was very bushy , healthy and slightly different from all other plants. I liked it and i purchased it.

I was looking to do something different for this, and after lots of lots of thinking i had decided to trim the plant in the shape of "RAFT STYLE bonsai".

After initial trimming i realised that ,, nothing is missing, so, i had change the pot from mud pot to another ceramic pot, and the beauty of initial bonsai came out. (you can see the result of trimming and changing the pot)

Though i have to work more on this plant , like more saperation between branches, and after that i have to improve remification according to raft style, and while the next repotting i will change the angle slightly downward, and main thing will be good selection of pot.

So, i have to wait for one more year. (please put your notes about my styling , and if i am doing wrong OR if you can suggest better ,, you are most welcome.)
In the june 2010, good monsoon had work in favour of this plant, and given good new suits , that is so beautiful, so i have taken these pictures with black background.
I assure you all will like this instant bonsai. but, "aralia" is very delicate plant, so we have to take some extra care for this plant.

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