Initially I have decided to just repot the plant because , it was the right time to repot for this species, and when nursery person had not done any work for this plant accept giving birth to this gorgious TREE and just watering in these 10 years.
Within 20 days of repotting the plant had given lots of new suits from every angle, (and that was very joyful day), Than i have reduce the height of the plant, by deciding front-back and, and make a computer drawing , which is the future of this plant. (which will come after two years) So, i have to do work according to this future paint.
I request all the bonsai lover to give their ideas about this plant, if you feel that i am not so good about this shape , please suggest better option about this tree.
I have seen lots of tamarindus bonsai plants on the internet, but special for this plant is most of the branches coming from above to down, even it is in conical shape, and Sir PETER CHANN had agreed that it is good looking plant, and Sir, Harry Harington had also admire me that, this plant has good bark texture. so,, i like their comments, and will go in the same way in future..
I always afraid from monkeys, because they are attacking on this species at my home, and monkeyes are coming in large amount. so, i prey god (HANUMANJI) that monkeys are welcome to my home, but they should not come with hunger......
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