Before 2 years i was not aware about this species as bonsai. But at present this is my favourite species to make bonsai. Because it gives beautiful flowers of red colour, nice looking foliage, speedy growth ,preety looking plant and good survival in our "Ahmedabad" city.
When i had purchase this plant from nursery (May-09) it was in the big mud pot with lots of long branches. Both the trunk was so streight and all branches was grown upward streight from both the trunks. Unfortunately i had not taken any photo while i purchased.
I had chopped all the branches with the length of just 4 to 6 inches, according to lower-longer, and uper-shorter. Within two months the plant had given good response and once again it becomes good looking with good foliage. (you can see in last two pictures)
Than after i had wired the required branches, and cut all other branches. I am trying to arrange a harmony with both the trunk, but the style will be twin trunk bonsai. You can see that both the trunks are too streight but i had cut it one shorter and other one is longer so it makes the different and giving good look.
After 15 days of wiring i have repot it in rectangle mud pot, and i had taken photoes of this tree with two beautiful statues. (please enlarge this photoes in your computer and see the top photo) It looks gorgious........ Ofcourse this is my plant so, i love it. In future i will make it more bold remification in both the trunks.. with one overlook bonsai tree.